Gov. Jon Huntsman Returns to Utah as Keynote Speaker for WTC Utah’s 10 Year Anniversary

Event looks at successes of the last 10 years and establishes goals for the next 10

SALT LAKE CITY, UT – The year 2016 marks 10 years since Governor Jon Huntsman called for the creation of World Trade Center Utah (WTC Utah). To celebrate the successes achieved, Gov. Huntsman, former U.S. Ambassador to China and former presidential candidate, is returning to the state to be the keynote speaker at the 10 Year Anniversary Thought Leader Symposium on Jan. 20.

“In my time as Governor I traveled the world on trade missions to help connect Utah companies to global opportunities. I noticed that most major cities had World Trade Centers and I wanted Utah to have the benefit of being part of an expansive, international network,” said Gov. Jon Huntsman. “The successes that have been achieved by World Trade Center Utah make me proud to have the organization as part of my legacy.”

In his remarks, Gov. Huntsman will address current events that impact Utah businesses, such as the stock market trouble in China and the upcoming presidential election. He will also talk about what Utah companies can do to manage international business risks and succeed in the global economy.

“WTC Utah is pleased to welcome to our inaugural Thought Leader Symposium Gov. Jon Huntsman, former U.S. Ambassador to China and one of the key founders of WTC Utah,” said Derek B. Miller, president and CEO of WTC Utah. “International business matters to Utahns because it has a significant impact on the economy. In 2014 Utah exported $12.3 billion worth of goods to 202 countries. This represented about 2.8 percent of the state’s GDP.”

The 10 Year Anniversary Thought Leader Symposium will run from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 20 at The Grand America Hotel. The symposium will mark the first in a new series of Thought Leader Symposia WTC Utah is launching quarterly designed to provide Utah businesses with an opportunity to learn from international experts. More than 250 business and community leaders, including Gov. Gary R. Herbert, will be in attendance on Jan. 20.

“World Trade Center Utah has a multiplier effect on our economy as it helps Utah companies grow internationally,” Gov. Gary R. Herbert said. “During the last 10 years, we have seen other states’ economies shaken by the recession. Utah, while not immune to economic downturn, has risen from these hardships and is stronger because we are always looking to diversify our products and expand to new international markets.”

The mission of WTC Utah is to help Utah companies think, act and succeed globally. As the statewide voice of international business, WTC Utah facilitates economic growth through increased exports and international awareness for Utah’s companies.

WTC Utah helps guide Utah companies into profitable global markets by offering signature services such as assessment of a company’s current global position or international strategy, education in the form of seminars and workshops to help develop global strategy and connections through the World Trade Center network and co-hosted local events.


World Trade Center Utah is a private, nonprofit organization that’s mission is to accelerate international growth for Utah companies through our global network, programs, and services. Officially joining the World Trade Center Association in 2007, the organization has helped companies throughout the state actualize their global potential and was recognized with the 2021 President’s “E” Award for Export Service — the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports. For more information, visit or follow @WTCUtah on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.


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