Import Advisory

Tariff information for Utah companies

Current tariff landscape

Tariffs are shaping the trade environment and will present significant challenges for Utah businesses. Global competitiveness may require rethinking regulation, expanding production requires investments, and tariffs come with risks. World Trade Center Utah is uniquely positioned to help companies navigate these challenges to mitigate potential impacts. Our team is closely monitoring policy developments and created the following dashboard to help you stay updated on the latest trade actions.  This database is tracking actions from the current administration, and noted tariffs are on top of preexisting tariffs. In certain circumstances, these tariffs can be layered.

Where to start

  • If possible, import your product prior to the tariff start date.

  • Negotiate with foreign suppliers to share cost increases.

  • Connect with our team at WTC Utah about our in-house tools and services.

  • We can also connect you with our network of service providers, specializing in the various nuances of international trade.  

Tools and resources

WTC Utah’s team of seasoned professionals is ready to help you navigate evolving tariffs.

Foreign Trade Zone

Discover how the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) can offer significant benefits for international trade.

Questions? Contact Wayne Coleman

Business Advisory

Expert guidance and practical solutions to help your business plan ahead, manage risk, and stay competitive. 

Questions? Contact Jared Anderson

How are tariffs impacting your business?  

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